Sabtu, 11 November 2017

Soursop leaves for guot

Soursop leaves for guot

Rabu, 09 Agustus 2017

Nanotechnology: Design For The Future Of Drug Delivery

Drug Delivery with Nanotechnology:

Nanotechnology has completed his fifty years on December 29, 2009. Professor Richard P.Feynman (Nobel Laureate, 1965) was the first person to predict and discussed the concept of nanotechnology. His prediction, to a large extent, has been realized till today. He on December 29, 1959 at an American Physical Society meeting at Caltech presented a celebrated talk There’s plenty of room at the bottom,’ which represents the era of nanotechnology" the technology catering only nanometre scaled objects. The term Nanotechnology came into existence in the year 1974, by the help of Professor Norio Taniguchi.

Feynman research and development activity was pointing towards a new era of technology by aggregating things atom by atom, at present terms, molecular nanotechnology’. He also discussed about writing the entire Encyclopaedia Britannica on the tip of a needle; also forecasted that one day the entire information of the world could be contained in an envelope! He also predicted that nanotechnologically developed little motors could be able to move within our blood vessels and do surgeries, duplicating the virtual surgeon. Now! To a large extent the predictions of Feynman, have been realized today.
Nanotechnology: Design For The Future Of Drug Delivery

Feynman added, The principles of physics, as far as I can see, do not speak against the possibility of manoeuvring things atom by atom. A new methodology to see and place atoms called scanning tunnelling microscopy came into existence in the year 1981 and numerous adjustments of this tool revolutionized all branches of science.

With rapid advancement in Nanotechnology it will be possible to direct tiny diagnostic and therapeutic objects into the body and even into specific cells. Single elements of electronic storage are now in nanoscale so that entire libraries can be written in hand-held devices. Molecules have been shown to store information.

The rapid technological advancement in Nanotechnology helps us to see and feel the revolutionary evolution in term of size, shape and properties of the matter, atom by atom as the object is made. As a result, we can probe questions such as the electrical conductivity of a single DNA strand or strength of single chemical bonds.

Global Budget for Nanotechnology Research:

In US: $10.1 billion was spent during the year 2001, 2009.

The current i.e for 2010, US budget for Nanotechnology is $1.6 billion.

Indian government has started a Nano Mission two years ago with a budget of Rs.1, 000 crores.

Looking at the past and the present advancement in the field of Nanotechnology, we can easily predict a fruitful result in the form of Nanotechnological goods and services, and which is expected to be a worth of $2.6 trillion in the year 2014 globally.

At present 400,000 research documents and 100,000 patents have already been in this area with 59,000 annual research publications in 2009. This number is expected to grow five folds by the end of 2010.

Nanotechnology is intended to...

Nanotechnology is empowered to regulate matter at the atomic level. It is the power of the creator, as all are constructed with atoms. As soon as this capability is comprehended, nothing that matter can deliver is impossible. It has gathered much attention and hopes for its future advancements to treat deadly diseases. Nanotechnology is empowered to repair as well as control, prevent and extend biological functions.

Advantages of Nanotechnology in Medical:

It can produce improved surgical instruments with high precision.

It is capable of shrinking the machines to the size where they can be inserted into the human body in order to detect and repair diseased cells.

It enables better drug delivery system.

It can provide more effective anti-virals and antibiotics that are capable of treating dreadful diseases.

With the help of Nanotechnology, substances can be made super tough or super light, etc. Scientist hopes that Nanotechnology can harvest all energy needed for the planet from the sun and if more is needed, there is the reaction between hydrogen and oxygen forming water. Looking at the above text we can hope for the clean and green environment once again.

Massage Oils – Advantages & Disadvantages

Grapeseed Oil

Grapeseed oil is the most widely used oil for body massage. It is finely textured, smooth and free-flowing. It is high in linoleic acid (E.F.A.) and contains some vitamin E.. This will nourish the skin and allow it to store for longer, vitamin E. being an antioxidant prevents rancidity.

•Smooth hence good for full body massage.
•Provides good slip and is easily absorbed.
•Suitable for all skin types and areas
•Cheap and readily available.
•Usually produced by hot extraction, has lost a lot of its beneficial properties.
Massage Oils – Advantages & Disadvantages

Sweet Almond Oil
Sweet almond oil is a pale yellow, thick liquid that mixes well with most other carrier oils and essential oils. It is rich in nutrients, such as unsaturated fatty acids (EFA), and also contains a high percentage of vitamins such as A, B1, B2, B6, D and E. It is excellent in treating psoriasis, eczema and dermatitis due to its vitamin E. content. It also has some anti-inflammatory properties, which allows it to be beneficial to conditions such as sunburn.

•Stores well due to vitamin E. content
•Cold pressed therefore relatively pure.
•Has protective and nourishing qualities to the skin
•Not suitable for full body massage on its own, becomes too sticky.
•Contra-indicated in diabetics, and those suffering from nut allergies.

Wheatgerm Oil.
Unrefined wheatgerm oil has a strong odour, which many people find unpleasant. It contains high levels of vitamin E., which is a natural antioxidant. Although expensive wheatgerm oil is the richest food source we have of vitamin E.

•Moisturisers dry/mature Skin.
•Good for reducing scar tissue and stretch marks.
•Relieved symptoms of dermatitis.
•When added to an aromatherapy blend will help prevent oxidation.
•Too thick and sticky for use on its own.
•May cause allergies, as it is a protein.
•Contraindicated with celiac sufferers.

Evening Primrose Oil.
Evening Primrose oil is an expensive oil, but has excellent moisturising benefits. It contains linoleic acid, and gamma linoleic acid (GLA). Also contains some vitamins and minerals.

•useful for dry skin conditions such as eczema, psoriasis and dandruff.
•Useful for PMT, period pains, arthritis and rheumatism.
•Too expensive for use on full body.

Avocado oil is a highly penetrative oil, rich in essential fatty acids, and also has a high vitamin content. It contains vitamin A. vitamin B. and vitamin D.. It also contains proteins and fats, and the minerals potassium, phosphorus, magnesium and calcium. It can be mixed in a small ratio (10%) with other carrier oils, and is commonly used in beauty care.

•Stores well.
•Viscous-but still penetrates the skin deeper than most carrier oils.
•Has healing properties-helps reduce inflammation (beneficial to psoriasis/eczema).
•Can become too sticky during massage-blend with another carrier oil.
•Has a strong smell.

Jojoba Oil
Jojoba is actually a liquid wax, not on oil. It is a nutritious oil containing vitamin E., minerals and proteins. It is beneficial to many conditions as its structure is similar to sebum, therefore it can be used on oily or dry skin. Unlike many oils, it can be heated to high temperatures and still retain its nutrients.

•Nourishing-beneficial to all skin types.
•Highly penetrative with anti-inflammatory properties-excellent for acne, psoriasis, eczema and arthritis.
•Helps control the release of sebum, useful for seborrhoeic skin conditions.
•Stable-does not evaporate or react with air.
•Very expensive-use small amounts, mixed with another carrier oil.

This is an infused oil produced by maceration for its medicinal properties. It contains anti-inflammatory, antispasmodic and healing properties. It is generally used for medicinal purposes on specific areas.

•Very suitable for skin problems-chapped skin, eczema, bruising and sunburn.
•Very expensive.
•Not as pure as cold pressed oil due to maceration process.

This is a stable, fine textured cold pressed oil, and is available either refined or unrefined. In either case solvents are not used and the oil retains its natural properties.

•Contains palmitoleic acid (found in sebum), good for oily and dry skin conditions.
•Help prevent ageing, good for driving wrinkled skin.
•Good keeping properties, lasts a long time before becoming rancid.
•Very expensive.
•Has slight aroma, nutty smell.
•Contra-indicated on clients with nut allergies.

Peach kernel.
This is cold pressed from the kernels of the fruit. It is similar in appearance and chemically to apricot oil and sweet almond oil. It is finely textured and rich in vitamins a, B1, B2 & B6. It is especially ideal for facial blends, since it is kind to the skin and easily absorbed.

•Keeps well.
•Protects, nourishes and moisturises the skin.
•Useful for dry skins and eczema.
•Helps relieve itching, so can be useful for psoriasis.
•Good for sensitive skin.
•Expensive, offers best Massage oil lotion, natural massage oil, natural massage oil and other Massage oils. visit- Synergy Skin Care

Selasa, 08 Agustus 2017

Lifestyle and Easy Home Remedies for Arthritis

All our activities of day-to-day life like- sitting, standing, running, walking, stretching, holding depends on integrity and healthy condition of our joints. We cannot imagine life with painful, swollen and stiff joints. In this article, we are going to discuss lifestyle and easy home remedies for various types of arthritis like- Rheumatoid Arthritis, Osteoarthritis, Gout.

1.Rheumatoid Arthritis

It is an auto-immune disorder which affects mainly joints having a covering called synovial membrane. It often leads to the destruction of cartilage between the joints. Rheumatoid Arthritis can also affect other parts of body such as- covering sheet of lungs, covering sheet of heart etc.
Lifestyle and Easy Home Remedies for Arthritis

What are the causes of Rheumatoid Arthritis?

Exact causes are not known. Immunity plays a major role in manifestation. It is mainly caused due to auto-immunity when immune cells of the body start killing its own cells. The condition is like soldiers of the country fighting against their own country.

Rheumatoid Arthritis according to Ayurveda

It is known by the name Amavata in Ayurveda. Amavata is an altererd state of digestion and metabolism caused by unhealthy eating habits when there is dimnished digestive power (Mandagni). Ayurvedic treatment includes correction of digestion and metabolism, treatment of joints with Panchkarma therapy and prescription of various Ayurvedic medicines.

What are the symptoms of Rheumatoid Arthritis

Inflammation in joints
Development of a flap in the synovium
Stiffness in the joints
Swelling, pain and warmth
Erosion and destruction of the joint surface
The pain in the joints is similar to the sting bite of scorpion
Constipation, indigestion, fullness of stomach

2. There is another type of arthritis which when affects the joints makes us feel that life is definitely a curse. Osteoarthritis is such a condition. "Osteo" means bones and "Arthritis" means inflammation and stiffness of the joints. It occurs when protective cartilage on the ends of bones wears down over a period of time which results from the breakdown of joint cartilage and underlying bone. It can affect joints of hands, joints near the finger ends, base of the thumb, neck, lower back, knees, hips, spine are commonly afflicted by osteoarthritis. Unlike other types of arthritis, only joints are typically affected in Osteoarthritis.

Osteoarthritis according to Ayurveda

Osteoarthritis is called as Sandhigata Vata in ayurveda which means the invasion and localisation of morbid Vata in the joints of body thereby producing pain, swelling and disturbed movements.


Another type of Arthritis is a disorder in which the crystals of monosodium urate monohydrate derived from hyperuricaemic body fluids gives rise to inflammatory arthritis(swollen and inflamed joints), bursitis(swelling in the spaces of joints), tenosynovitis(swelling of muscle tendon covering its sheath) or cellulites(swelling with redness and fluid collection). It is also related with kidneys.

Causes of Gout

Uric acid concentration in the body depends between the balance between purine synthesis and uric acid elimination through kidneys. Due to the presence of excess purine and when it is not excreted properly, this condition leads to the formation of crystals.

What are the symptoms of Gout?

The joint of great toe (metatarsalphalangeal joint) is the site of first acute gout in 70% of cases. In other cases, it affects knee, ankle, small joints of feet and hand, sometimes the onset may be very sudden, waking up the patient from sleep.
Gout according to Ayurveda- Vatarakta signs and symptoms can be co-related with gout.

Home Remedies for Arthritis:

All the 3 types of arthritis are entirely different from treatment and management point of view.
Few home remedies are mentioned for management of each of these individually:

Garlic- Research indicates that micro-nutrients present in garlic helps in preventing arthritis changes of bones. 2 garlic pearls with 2 ounces of buttermilk is an excellent daily drink for Rheumatoid Arthritis.
Ginger, long pepper and pepper must be included in diet on regular basis to correct digestion and metabolism.
Fruits and leaves of drumstick must be included as it is rich in calcium and vitamin C.
Drinking warm water helps to improve digestion. Regular drinking of warm water helps to bring lightness to the joints thus helps in improving flexibility of the joints.
Bitter melon improves digestion and it is a good source of vitamin B1, B2 and B3. It is a good detoxifying herb.
Mix fine powder of Haritaki(Terminalia chebula) with castor oil to make a fine paste. This is to be consumed with warm water. It helps to clear Ama out of the body by cleansing stomach and intestines by inducing purgation.
In osteoarthritis, exercise is very important as it increases the endurance and strength of muscles around the joints. It makes the joints stable. Walking, swimming are the best exercises for osteoarthritis patients.
Being obese or over-weight can increase the stress on weight bearing joints such as knees and hips. Weight loss is also important in osteoarthritis.
Good eating habits such as Vitamin C, Omega 3 fatty acids reduce joint inflammation, Vitamin D is related to osteoarthritis progression. Sources include exposure to sunlight for 45 minutes daily.
Giloy( Tinospora cordifolia) in the form of water decoction, powder, juice should be used to treat Vatarakta(Gouty arthritis).
Ginger is an anti-inflammatoryand anti- arithritic drug. It acts specifically over affected joints to bring about quick relief from pain and inflammation.
Milk boiled with Dashmoola (group of 10 herbs) poured warm over the affected joints gives relief from pain.

Diet for Arthritis:

According to Ayurveda, foods that cause Ama formation must be avoided which is the main cause for Rheumatoid Arthritis and foods that cause imbalance of Kapha and Vata which inturn worsen stiffening, pain and inflammation. Anything which is heavy to digest, that takes long time to digest is to be avoided.
Intake of curd by rheumatoid arthritis patients is not ideal. Fish, Spinach (Basella rubra), black gram, contrast foods like- fish with milk etc. must be avoided. Avoid suppression of natural urges cause increase in Vata. Skipping night sleep is not recommended as it causes utter Vata imbalance.
Oil massage is not advised in rheumatoid arthritis.
Low purine intake, no alcohol consumption is advised for patients suffering from gout. Purine rich foods like- beer, alcoholic beverages, fish, yeast, legumes (dried beans, peas), spinach and cauliflower must be avoided.

Lifestyle and diet plays a major role in arthritis. So healthy lifestyle must be followed.

Massage Oils – Advantages & Disadvantages

Grapeseed Oil

Grapeseed oil is the most widely used oil for body massage. It is finely textured, smooth and free-flowing. It is high in linoleic acid (E.F.A.) and contains some vitamin E.. This will nourish the skin and allow it to store for longer, vitamin E. being an antioxidant prevents rancidity.

•Smooth hence good for full body massage.
•Provides good slip and is easily absorbed.
•Suitable for all skin types and areas
•Cheap and readily available.
•Usually produced by hot extraction, has lost a lot of its beneficial properties.
Massage Oils – Advantages & Disadvantages

Sweet Almond Oil
Sweet almond oil is a pale yellow, thick liquid that mixes well with most other carrier oils and essential oils. It is rich in nutrients, such as unsaturated fatty acids (EFA), and also contains a high percentage of vitamins such as A, B1, B2, B6, D and E. It is excellent in treating psoriasis, eczema and dermatitis due to its vitamin E. content. It also has some anti-inflammatory properties, which allows it to be beneficial to conditions such as sunburn.

•Stores well due to vitamin E. content
•Cold pressed therefore relatively pure.
•Has protective and nourishing qualities to the skin
•Not suitable for full body massage on its own, becomes too sticky.
•Contra-indicated in diabetics, and those suffering from nut allergies.

Wheatgerm Oil.
Unrefined wheatgerm oil has a strong odour, which many people find unpleasant. It contains high levels of vitamin E., which is a natural antioxidant. Although expensive wheatgerm oil is the richest food source we have of vitamin E.

•Moisturisers dry/mature Skin.
•Good for reducing scar tissue and stretch marks.
•Relieved symptoms of dermatitis.
•When added to an aromatherapy blend will help prevent oxidation.
•Too thick and sticky for use on its own.
•May cause allergies, as it is a protein.
•Contraindicated with celiac sufferers.

Evening Primrose Oil.
Evening Primrose oil is an expensive oil, but has excellent moisturising benefits. It contains linoleic acid, and gamma linoleic acid (GLA). Also contains some vitamins and minerals.

•useful for dry skin conditions such as eczema, psoriasis and dandruff.
•Useful for PMT, period pains, arthritis and rheumatism.
•Too expensive for use on full body.

Avocado oil is a highly penetrative oil, rich in essential fatty acids, and also has a high vitamin content. It contains vitamin A. vitamin B. and vitamin D.. It also contains proteins and fats, and the minerals potassium, phosphorus, magnesium and calcium. It can be mixed in a small ratio (10%) with other carrier oils, and is commonly used in beauty care.

•Stores well.
•Viscous-but still penetrates the skin deeper than most carrier oils.
•Has healing properties-helps reduce inflammation (beneficial to psoriasis/eczema).
•Can become too sticky during massage-blend with another carrier oil.
•Has a strong smell.

Jojoba Oil
Jojoba is actually a liquid wax, not on oil. It is a nutritious oil containing vitamin E., minerals and proteins. It is beneficial to many conditions as its structure is similar to sebum, therefore it can be used on oily or dry skin. Unlike many oils, it can be heated to high temperatures and still retain its nutrients.

•Nourishing-beneficial to all skin types.
•Highly penetrative with anti-inflammatory properties-excellent for acne, psoriasis, eczema and arthritis.
•Helps control the release of sebum, useful for seborrhoeic skin conditions.
•Stable-does not evaporate or react with air.
•Very expensive-use small amounts, mixed with another carrier oil.

This is an infused oil produced by maceration for its medicinal properties. It contains anti-inflammatory, antispasmodic and healing properties. It is generally used for medicinal purposes on specific areas.

•Very suitable for skin problems-chapped skin, eczema, bruising and sunburn.
•Very expensive.
•Not as pure as cold pressed oil due to maceration process.

This is a stable, fine textured cold pressed oil, and is available either refined or unrefined. In either case solvents are not used and the oil retains its natural properties.

•Contains palmitoleic acid (found in sebum), good for oily and dry skin conditions.
•Help prevent ageing, good for driving wrinkled skin.
•Good keeping properties, lasts a long time before becoming rancid.
•Very expensive.
•Has slight aroma, nutty smell.
•Contra-indicated on clients with nut allergies.

Peach kernel.
This is cold pressed from the kernels of the fruit. It is similar in appearance and chemically to apricot oil and sweet almond oil. It is finely textured and rich in vitamins a, B1, B2 & B6. It is especially ideal for facial blends, since it is kind to the skin and easily absorbed.

•Keeps well.
•Protects, nourishes and moisturises the skin.
•Useful for dry skins and eczema.
•Helps relieve itching, so can be useful for psoriasis.
•Good for sensitive skin.
•Expensive, offers best Massage oil lotion, natural massage oil, natural massage oil and other Massage oils. visit- Synergy Skin Care

Senin, 07 Agustus 2017

Know about orthopedics

• Diabetic foot

The reasons for diabetic foot are the injuries or damage of Central nervous system. Some symptoms for diabetic foot are listed here

1. Numbness in foot

2. Swellings

3. Open wounds

4. Loss of hair in legs and foot

5. Experiencing pain in legs, while walking

Treatment for diabetic foot is done in three stages such as

Debridment (tissues that are dead and dying are removed by this process), Drainage (this is done for wounds with pus), Bandage (This process is done to prevent infection and also to provide antibiotics)
Know about orthopedics

• Heel pain

Heel pain is mainly due to overuse or injury of the heel bone. Some causes of heel bone are overweight, wearing chapels or shoes of incorrect size, heel spurs, Achilles Tendinitis (inflammation of the Achilles tendon), Excessive Pronation (the foot rolls inward and the ligaments and tendons at the back of the heel are stretched too much), Plantar Fasciitis (due to inflammation of tendinous tissue connecting the heel to the ball of the foot)

• Mortan’s Neuroma ( Intermetatarsal)

This disease is due to compression and irritation of nerves. Hence, Foot’s Neuroma is called as Mortan’s Neuroma. Some symptoms are pain & numbness in foot, a feeling of something in the foot.

• Bone Spurs

These are small bony projections that appear along the edges of the bone.

• Tendon Dysfunction

This is due to tendon’s inflammation

• Bunions

Bunions are called for the bony bump appears at the base of big toe

• Claw toe

Nerve damage results in claw toe

• Hammer toe

The tightening and bending of muscles or tendons result in Hammer toe

• Hip dysplasia

Abnormal formation of hip sockets causes hip dysplasia

• Hip Bursitis

Inflammation of fluid sac ( bursa) which is needed to reduce the friction during the movement of tissues

• Snapping Hip

Changes in anatomy lead to snapping hip

• Osteoporosis

Degeneration of bones is osteoporosis

• Arthritis

This is due to pain and swellings in joints

• Bowed legs

Bowed legs is called for the curving of legs

• Runners knee (Patellofemeral pain syndrome)

Runners knee disease is due to the irritation of patella cartilage

• Osgood- schlatter disease

This is due to the inflammation of tibia attached tendon

• Tendonitis

Inflammation of tendon causes tendonitis

• Neurofibromatosis

This disease causes interruptions for the cell growth of nervous system

• Cerebral palsy

This is a congenital disease

• Boutonniere deformity

Abnormal positioning of toes and fingers

• De Quervainstenosynovitis

This disease occurs when the sheath covering of thumb tendon get inflammation

• Erb’s palsy

Erb’s palsy is called for the paralysis of upper arm due to injuries or damage to nerves that present in the upper group arms

• Frozen shoulders

This is due to Inflammation of shoulder joint tendons

• Cubital tunnel syndrome

Ulnar nerve pressure variations cause this disease

• Tennis elbow

Overuse or aging may be the reasons for tennis elbow

• Spinal stenosis

May due to the wear and tear occurring in the feet, legs, lower back

• Scoliosis

This condition is called for the curve appearance in the spine due to the degenerative bone tissues

• Muscular dystrophy

This is a disease affecting group muscles

• Rickets

Deficiency of calcium, phosphorus, vitamin D causes bone deformity. This rickets appears in children

• Cauda squine syndrome

Nerve endings of spinal cord get irritated, a condition called Cauda squine syndrome

• Lyme disease

This disease is due to borrelia type bacteria

• Sciatica

Leg pain due to problems with sciatic nerve

• Carpel tunnel syndrome

This disease is called for numbness and pain in the hand

• Compartment syndrome

This disease is called for pain in fingers

• Kienbock’s syndrome

This disease causes interruptions in blood supply to some bones in wrist

• Dupuytren’s contracture

Hand deformity due to the thickening of fibrous tissues of hands

Knee Surgery for Arthritis Treatment

Arthritis is a degenerative disorder of joints, which causes the breakdown of cartilage, resulting in inflammation and swelling of joints. Osteoarthritis is the most common form, which affects knee joints. It is also caused by gout, rheumatoid arthritis, post-traumatic arthritis, or infection. Age (people above 50 years), being overweight, injuries, trauma, ligament damage, deposition of uric acid crystals, and abnormal body structure are the common risk factors for this disease.

A person with knee arthritis may experience pain during activities, along with joint swelling and tenderness, stiffness of knee, cracking noise, and limited range of motion. It is diagnosed with the help of physical examination and findings of imaging tests such as X-ray and MRI scan. It can be treated using non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), support braces, physical therapy, muscle relaxants, and heat and cold treatments. Since obesity is one of the risk factors for knee arthritis, losing excess weight and maintaining a normal body weight is an important regimen for its treatment. A well-planned exercise program can help to reduce the stiffness in joints and improve the range of motion. When these treatment options are not helpful in relieving the symptoms, an orthopedist may recommend a knee surgery.
Knee Surgery for Arthritis Treatment

Arthritis Treatment with Knee Surgery

Knee surgery for arthritis is aimed at relieving joint pain, reducing joint stiffness, as well as improving the range of motion and appearance of deformed joints.

Arthroscopy: Arthroscopy is the surgical procedure, which provides a direct view of the joint structure with the help of an arthroscope. Since the arthroscope is attached to a closed-circuit television, arthroscopic surgery can be used to determine the type of arthritis and the amount of damage to the knee joint. It can be performed under local anesthesia. Arthroscopic clean-out is beneficial in case of mild to moderate knee arthritis. However, the benefits of arthroscopic surgery are temporary and symptoms may reappear after some duration.

Synovectomy: This procedure can be performed as an open surgery or using an arthroscope. In this surgical procedure, diseased synovium (soft tissue joint lining) is removed. This helps in reducing the joint pain and swelling of rheumatoid arthritis. However, the results may be temporary and the synovium may grow back after some years.

Osteotomy: In most cases, some deformities of the legs may develop such as a bowleg or knock-knee, which can worsen the symptoms. These deformities can be corrected with the help of osteotomy. This surgical procedure involves cutting and repositioning the bone, either tibia or femur bone, due to which the alignment of the leg is improved. This helps to relieve pain and manage the symptoms of arthritis.

Arthroplasty: Arthroplasty involves rebuilding of knee joints. It is also referred to as total joint replacement, in which a part or the entire arthritic joint is removed. Generally, it is replaced with ceramic, plastic, or metal parts. In this surgical procedure, the end of the bone where the cartilage has worn away is resurfaced. This procedure enables many people with disabilities to regain joint activity.

Unicompartmental knee replacement: This surgical option is considered to be a good treatment option for osteoarthritis of the knee joint. Out of the two compartments of a knee, only one compartment may be affected by arthritis, while the other may be normal. This minimally invasive surgical procedure involves replacement of only the damaged parts of one compartment. This surgery is beneficial for people with severe knee arthritis. Major benefits of this surgery are smaller incisions, less blood loss, and shorter duration for recovery. It helps to reduce symptoms and improves the range of motion. However, the main disadvantage of it is that the non-replaced compartment may deteriorate over time.

Total knee replacement: Total knee replacement is necessary in most cases. People with hampered joint mobility, malfunctioning joints, and limited activities due to joint pain are recommended to undergo this surgery. In this surgical procedure, the ends of the damaged lower leg bones and thighbones, as well as the kneecap are replaced with artificial implants made from plastic or metal. The artificial joint is connected to the shin, thighbone, and kneecap using cement or a special material. There are different types of implants such as cemented and press-fit knee replacements. The complete surfaces at the ends of the thighbone and lower leg bone are replaced. Most often, general anesthesia is preferred for this surgery. These implants can last for about 10-15 years in 90-95% of the patients. It helps to relieve pain and stiffness in joints to improve their mobility and functionality.

Knee surgery is one of the most effective options for arthritis treatment, which helps to relieve painful symptoms and restore normal functionality of the knee joints. This enables a person to perform daily routine activities with ease.