Rabu, 09 Agustus 2017

Nanotechnology: Design For The Future Of Drug Delivery

Drug Delivery with Nanotechnology:

Nanotechnology has completed his fifty years on December 29, 2009. Professor Richard P.Feynman (Nobel Laureate, 1965) was the first person to predict and discussed the concept of nanotechnology. His prediction, to a large extent, has been realized till today. He on December 29, 1959 at an American Physical Society meeting at Caltech presented a celebrated talk There’s plenty of room at the bottom,’ which represents the era of nanotechnology" the technology catering only nanometre scaled objects. The term Nanotechnology came into existence in the year 1974, by the help of Professor Norio Taniguchi.

Feynman research and development activity was pointing towards a new era of technology by aggregating things atom by atom, at present terms, molecular nanotechnology’. He also discussed about writing the entire Encyclopaedia Britannica on the tip of a needle; also forecasted that one day the entire information of the world could be contained in an envelope! He also predicted that nanotechnologically developed little motors could be able to move within our blood vessels and do surgeries, duplicating the virtual surgeon. Now! To a large extent the predictions of Feynman, have been realized today.

Nanotechnology: Design For The Future Of Drug Delivery

Feynman added, The principles of physics, as far as I can see, do not speak against the possibility of manoeuvring things atom by atom. A new methodology to see and place atoms called scanning tunnelling microscopy came into existence in the year 1981 and numerous adjustments of this tool revolutionized all branches of science.

With rapid advancement in Nanotechnology it will be possible to direct tiny diagnostic and therapeutic objects into the body and even into specific cells. Single elements of electronic storage are now in nanoscale so that entire libraries can be written in hand-held devices. Molecules have been shown to store information.

The rapid technological advancement in Nanotechnology helps us to see and feel the revolutionary evolution in term of size, shape and properties of the matter, atom by atom as the object is made. As a result, we can probe questions such as the electrical conductivity of a single DNA strand or strength of single chemical bonds.

Global Budget for Nanotechnology Research:

In US: $10.1 billion was spent during the year 2001, 2009.

The current i.e for 2010, US budget for Nanotechnology is $1.6 billion.

Indian government has started a Nano Mission two years ago with a budget of Rs.1, 000 crores.

Looking at the past and the present advancement in the field of Nanotechnology, we can easily predict a fruitful result in the form of Nanotechnological goods and services, and which is expected to be a worth of $2.6 trillion in the year 2014 globally.

At present 400,000 research documents and 100,000 patents have already been in this area with 59,000 annual research publications in 2009. This number is expected to grow five folds by the end of 2010.

Nanotechnology is intended to...

Nanotechnology is empowered to regulate matter at the atomic level. It is the power of the creator, as all are constructed with atoms. As soon as this capability is comprehended, nothing that matter can deliver is impossible. It has gathered much attention and hopes for its future advancements to treat deadly diseases. Nanotechnology is empowered to repair as well as control, prevent and extend biological functions.

Advantages of Nanotechnology in Medical:

It can produce improved surgical instruments with high precision.

It is capable of shrinking the machines to the size where they can be inserted into the human body in order to detect and repair diseased cells.

It enables better drug delivery system.

It can provide more effective anti-virals and antibiotics that are capable of treating dreadful diseases.

With the help of Nanotechnology, substances can be made super tough or super light, etc. Scientist hopes that Nanotechnology can harvest all energy needed for the planet from the sun and if more is needed, there is the reaction between hydrogen and oxygen forming water. Looking at the above text we can hope for the clean and green environment once again.

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